“Taste of a Place" is a Roadie video series which focuses on encompassing the feel of specific locations in under a minute.
Cruising along California’s Highway 1, or Pacific Coast Highway, is known as one of the most essential road trip routes in America. This was my third time taking the scenic route between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and Big Sur is repeatedly my favorite stretch of land to break up the drive through Los Padres National Forest. Big Sur is a must-see destination, offering 75+ miles of some of the most picturesque coastal environments in the country. It is also home to the world-renowned Bixby Creek Bridge, which has inspired artists to feature it in various artworks, writings, and music throughout history since its creation in 1931.
Big Sur offers a plethora of natural beauty. Explore the parks, hike to incredible waterfalls, bask in the wonderful feeling of isolation on a rugged beach, or simply enjoy the sights on the winding drive along the cliffs. There is something for everyone in this wonderland. Get a taste of this place in this short video, and explore my past Big Sur travels here.
Music: "Dreaming" by Seapony